Saturday, November 10, 2007


Or2k: The inside cover of the menu says that OR is Hebrew for light and that 2k stands for the year 2000. Like I mentioned before….strange name, but great food! I need to cap how many times I allow myself to go there each week. Not only because it is expensive, but also because I need to branch out and try all the other amazing restaurants that this area has to offer. Hmmmm, I think I will start the cap tomorrow. I went there tonight. It is such a crazy restaurant, with crazy patrons. Even though I have a full beard and my hair has grown out a little, I am typically the most straight laced person in there. Most look as though they are right out of the 60’s or like they just spent 6 months on Everest. In fact tonight the guys sitting at the table next to me were planning their trek to Everest. It was cool to sit and listen to them talk and feel the mixture of excitement and trepidation as they discussed their trip….

The one downside to the restaurant is that a lot of people smoke in there. I am not sure what all is being smoked, as there are smells I don’t recognize. Mixed in with the unknown smells are several smells that I do recognize, and I know that it is not tobacco they are smoking. But if you can put up with the smoke, it is an amazing place…….. It is amazing how I always walk out of there feeling so relaxed and happy….it must be the great food.

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